Membership Renewal 2022/23
The club is in the process of upgrading its membership management software to the MiClub Club Management solution. Part of the upgrade includes a change to the way the club manages member access to the golf course and the invoicing of membership subscriptions. These changes are outlined below.
1. Subscriptions
Your membership subscription invoices will be emailed to you from the new MiClub system over the coming days. Members can use the links in these emails to view, download or pay their invoice online by Visa or MasterCard. Other payment options available are direct bank transfer, in person at the club or by monthly direct debit.
Following the AGM in 2021, it was approved to set the membership subscriptions as outlined below. Any member that paid the pro-rata portion of their membership (December 2021 to April 2022) will be invoiced the full amount for the membership period 1st May 2022 to 30th April 2023. Members who paid the full membership portion in December will have the overpayment credited to their 2022/2023 invoice and be invoiced for the difference.
• Full $720
• Country $585
• Intermediate $500
• Senior $500
• Restricted $500
• Junior $60
2. Monthly Direct Debits
As part of the changeover, a new provider will be handling the monthly direct debits. All members who currently pay their subscriptions via direct debit on a monthly basis MUST complete and return the below agreement to the office on or prior to Monday 2nd May 2022 to enable the changeover from the current provider (Pricap) to our new provider (Ezidebit). All current agreements will cease once the final instalment for the 2021/22 membership year is processed on the 15th April 2022.
Note: The new membership management system automatically updates member’s access to the golf bookings based on payment of the monthly or annual subscription. Members who have monthly instalments that remain overdue for more than 7 days will automatically have their access to the golf bookings disabled until payment is made. This will also apply to annual subscription invoices that are not paid in full by the due date.
3. Member Accounts
Member accounts will become visible online under the ‘My Information’ page on the club website. Each member will have a Subscription, Wallet and Prize account.
To provide a summary of these accounts and what they are to be used for:
• Subscriptions – This account will contain your annual subscription charges.
• Wallet – The member wallet contains payments that members have made for use at the club. This is money that members have paid onto their account, with the account only able to be in credit.
• Prize – This account contains prize values won through competition golf at the Club.
Once these accounts are live on the club website, members will be able to view their account balances and individual transactions themselves at any time as well as make payments online for their annual subscription and top up their member wallet for use at the club.
To facilitate this change, access to member’s current Wallet and Prize accounts will be temporarily unavailable from COB on Sunday 10th April 2022 until Tuesday 12th April 2022.
We thank you for your continued support and look forward to you renewing your membership and seeing you on the golf course in 2022/23.
If you have any queries please contact the office on (03) 5568 1654 during office hours or email info@portfairygolf.com.au
Yours sincerely
Helen Rix